is new and exciting music - an amazing recording, coming
almost seemingly from out of the blue..."
Bill Binkelman, New
Age Reporter, USA
third album in the highly-acclaimed Deep Skiesseries
is now available. Inspired by the
Pleiades constellation, an open cluster of stars steeped in
lore and mystery, this album continues the musical journey
to the farthest reaches of space.
The seven main stars in the Pleiades cluster are named after
the mythological seven daughters of the gods Atlas and Pleione,
and these Seven Sisters are often depicted dancing in a joyous,
This aspect is conveyed in some
of the music by a gently rhythmic pulse, whilst retaining the huge,
spacious swathes of drifting sound that Deep Skies has
become known for.
Below are MP3 clips of the music from Light From The Pleiades - click
the links to listen to these exquisite, surreal sounds!