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ILLUMINATION is the fifth release in Kevin Kendle's highly-acclaimed Deep Skies series of spacemusic albums.

Inspired by the galaxy cluster in the constellation of Virgo, and the divine magnificence of the Universe as a whole, the title "Illumination" reflects not only the light given out by these amazing celestial wonders, but also represents a personal illumination, and an evolving of spiritual awareness.

Below are preview MP3 clips of the music from Illumination - click the links to listen to these exquisite, ethereal sounds!

Image: NASA and The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)
Buy high-resolution 320 Kbps MP3 of the complete Illumination album as a single, continuous MP3 file
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1. Emergence - Listen 5. Ancestral Calling - Listen  
2. Divine Connection - Listen 6. Inscape - Listen
3. Arc - Listen 7. Infinite Wisdom - Listen  
4. Celestial Heart - Listen    
Total Running Time: 59:02
Release date: 1 December 2014

Kevin Kendle - Synthesizers, keyboards, moog, sequencers, vocoder
Brian Abbott - Glissando guitar, guitar, guitar FX
Nigel Shaw - Synth bubbles


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